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Tipografia contra o racismo

Por Eduardo Fernandes.

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Each typeface highlights a piece of history from a specific underrepresented race, ethnicity, or gender—from the Women’s Suffrage Movement in Argentina to the Civil Rights Movement in America. (…)

This is a type foundry for creatives of color who feel that they don’t have a say in their industry. This is for the creative women who feel that they don’t have a say in their industry. This is for the creative that is tired of being “inspired” by the same designs over and over again.

Fonte (oops): Manifesto — VOCAL

Que tipografia expressa e reflete ideologias, você já sabe (se não, assista ao clássico documentário Helvetica). Assim, a foundry Vocal Type quer criar fontes que representem momentos e personagens históricos além do universo "branco", "homem" e "ocidental". Vamos ver o que surge daí.